Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Class Participation 9

Class Participation 9

Q Directions: Choose 2 of your group members and pay close attention to their speeches (you will choose 2 different group members to peer review for the next speech). Be sure to check the Presentation Order, because you may end up doing both peer reviews on the same day or one peer review on both days. Take a few notes on the following categories for their speech: 1) Content - the actual topic of their speech and how they teach it; 2) Organization - the structure of their speech (Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Organizational Pattern); 3) Delivery - the verbal and nonverbal aspects of their delivery (volume, speech rate, gestures, etc.). You will choose just one of those categories to focus on in your peer review, to make things simple and focused. Then, respond to your group's Peer Review discussion board with feedback for each group member's speech using the D-R-E Method of feedback (see pg. 52 of the textbook for further description and examples): D = Describe what you heard; R = Respond with your personal interpretations and reactions; E = Evaluate by critiquing what you found effective and what could be improved. *Doing this should result in a full paragraph response (~7 sentences) for each of your group members, so 2 paragraphs total. Be sure to identify whose speech is being addressed by each paragraph.*

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For Alyssa, I think you clearly organized your speech by using a topical organization pattern. In the introduction, you have introduced your thesis statement and preview what main points you will discuss later. It is very engaging. In the body section, you used clear transitions between main points and signposts. In the conclusion, you summarized well and ended memorably. Overall, you clearly and well explained pros and cons of social media and you used sufficient source citations in your speech. Well done.